We are beyond excited about the Sprint to the Finish Founders 2.0 promotion that we announced during our Special Announcement Zoom call earlier today! If you were not able to join the call, you can watch the recording that will be posted under Resources. We know there are a lot of details that were covered, so we will also be posting an FAQ early next week, in the meantime please see below for an overview of the Sprint to the Finish promotional details.

Sprint to the Finish promotional details:
The Sprint to the Finish is a special Founders 2.0 promotion created to help our Wellness Advocates quickly increase their number of points and empower them to become a Founder 2.0. This promotion will run from December 1, 2022, to March 31, 2023.

This promotion will give Wellness Advocates the opportunity to:

  • Earn an extra 100 points: the personal enrollment/LRP maximum limit was raised from 300 points to 400 points during this promotional period.
  • Earn double points for their personal rank advancements during this promotional period -this can only be earned up to 3 times per rank, during the whole program.
  • Earn full points when re-hitting their max rank; points will increase from half to full points – this can only be earned up to 3 times per rank, during the whole program.

To keep it simple, remember this……double the bubble. This means as you look at your dashboard if you have a rank advancement bubble that is not filled in with points, during the sprint you can double the points you would have normally received.

Other Important Details:

  • You can see where you have the opportunity to earn additional re-rank or Rank Advancements points, as well as your Enrollment and LRP points, by logging into your dashboard here: https://tools.doterra.com/s/foundersclub – Enrollments and LRP points should be updated within 24-72 hours; PO3, Empowerment, and Personally Advancement points after commissions run.
  • Max Rank still refers to the highest rank reached at any time prior to November 1, 2019.
  • Founders Club 2.0 will end on August 31, 2023.
  • Payout will remain the same as has been communicated (2% of 1-2 Billion); split between the number of founders that have hit by Aug 31, 2023 (1/XXX).
  • Max number of Founders 2.0 qualifiers will not exceed 200.
  • We currently have 160 spots open.
  • All other requirements and guidelines for Founders 2.0 remain unchanged.

You may contact your AM with any questions or concerns you may have about this promotion!

You can find more details about Founders Club 2.0 online here: https://www.doterra.com/US/en/founders-club-2